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Redefining Monetary Systems with
Digital Silver and Gold

Empowering Global Access to Gold and Silver through Stablecoin Innovation utilizing Web3 and DeFi Protocols.

Nothing is between you and your assets. No Banks, No Brokerage Firms, No Centralized Crypto Exchanges


AGX Coins are digital silver money. Each coin is 100% backed by one gram of vaulted, audited, and insured 99.99% investment-grade silver.


AUX Coins are Digital Gold money. Each coin is 100% backed by one-milligram of vaulted, audited, and insured 99.99% pure gold.

Key Benefits

Created with many needs in mind
and designed to fit your lifestyle.


Easy to get started and easy to use. Straightforward fees and no restrictions.


Low-cost and accessible for anyone, anywhere, anytime.


Backed by precious metals. These assets offer protection from inflation and devaluation.


A trusted and transparent form of money powered by robust blockchain technology.


These assets are redeemable for precious metals. This enhances their utility.


These assets transact globally as fast-moving, borderless mediums of exchange.


Easy to get started and use. Straightforward fees and no restrictions.


Low-cost and accessible for anyone, anywhere, anytime.


Backed by precious metals. These assets offer protection from inflation and devaluation.


A trusted and transparent form of money powered by robust blockchain technology.


These assets are redeemable for precious metals. This enhances their utility.


Assets transact globally as fast, borderless mediums of exchange.

Rewards For Life

LODE Tokens entitle investors
to a share of all profit distributions.

What are
LODE Tokens?

LODE Tokens represent a contribution supporting the LODE Project. They are a key component of LODE’s modern, global monetary system. Enjoy regular micro-rewards that increase in value as the system grows. Be a part of a community leading a sound money revolution.


Receive micro-rewards quarterly in the form of AGX Coins.

The payouts will be distributed proportionately between all LODE Token holders based on the number of tokens they possess. Holders can use these rewards to buy everyday items, save for the future, or further invest in the project.

LODE Token holders receive a proportional share of 10% of the premium charged on the sale of new AGX and AUX Coins, as well as, any profits that the LODE Project may distribute.

As the system grows globally, so do your potential rewards.


Buy LODE Tokens today.

Buy LODE Tokens today.

Your Bridge to Precious Metals and a Web 3 Enabled Technology Wallet that is:


Built on a global, immutable, and secure blockchain network.


Send to peers anywhere in the world.


Trade with others on descentralized exchanges (DEX) 

The LODE Digital Project has found a way to unshakeably connect the strength, safety, and utility of the blockchain, with the four thousand year legacy of silver’s use around the world as Honest Money. At this point, call me very much impressed.

David Morgan

Founder, Morgan Report

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